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Welcome to the SCP Foundation Tales by Title Archive The contents of this page are currently unclassified. Personnel are reminded that certain files within this section may be subject to various classifications, and that verified credentials may be necessary to access those files. System Administrator Note: This archive is designed to be a comprehensive list of all SCP Foundation tales written on this wiki.

Please use the navigation tools below to properly locate the tale of your choice. If you discover that a tale is absent, please contact either the tale author, or for assistance.Page Navigation. B Title Author Created (author) 2015-05-04 Anderson Massey suppressed a shudder as he stepped through the doorway.

On the other (the proper) side of the door, it was an elegant Georgian style paneled door with an elegant entablature. On this (author) 2018-08-13 'Hey, are you awake right now?' 'I don't think you're awake yet, but if you can hear me, you've lost a lot of blood.'

'I know' 'Oh, you are awake!' 'I got shot in the foot' 'Uh no, you got (author) 2012-06-24 Back Into Hell, a Foundation poem The howling wind steals the breath I would have used to chant; Boots, belt, gun, mask My gear, my only chance The rear doors open wider The “go” light blinks to (author) 2017-03-23 The man walks through a bare hallway. He holds a briefcase in one hand and a coffee in the other. He stops in front of the door, takes a deep breath, and enters. (author) 2017-03-13 Agent Adams walked down the hall of the Lanthanide Hills Task Force dorms, swiped her card on the lock, readied her parka around her face, and stepped into the cold, Siberian night, manila envelope (author) 2009-05-07 Leningrad, December 1979: The flicker of your nightlight casts an unsettling glow throughout your small bedroom and the wind rattles your window, keeping you from finding sleep. Your young mind runs (author) 2018-02-18 Researcher Matthews was not having a good day.

First, it was his alarm going off 10 minutes late, forcing him to rush his carefully prepared morning habits. Then, his car had refused to start, (author) 2016-07-23 Arcs of electricity left Vincent Anderson’s body as he walked through the Three Portlands rain, the wayward bolts striking nearby buildings and light fixtures as he slowly marched down the center of (author) (author) 2016-04-17 It was midnight when they dragged Dietrich and Bridge out of their beds, pinning them down before they had a chance to react. Filthy rubber ball gags were thrust into their mouths, followed shortly (author) 2014-09-25 'So, let's get this straight. It's a deer, with airbags?' The corpse was unceremoniously dumped onto the dissection table. The dog-clam had been removed and placed in a small pet carrier outside (author) 2017-04-24 ' And then flushed the rest of them down the goddamn toilet.'

Crack Closure Wiki Game Plant And Zombie Crack Full Agua De Obispo Antonio

Pearl Watkins, lead scientist at Aquagene Pet Shop, hung her head as she slumped in her chair. She wasn't sure what to feel. At (author) 2017-04-29 This is bananas. Marcus Nakamura stayed silent with fear as the armored van carrying him and Dr.

Crack Closure Wiki Game Plant And Zombie Crack Full Agua De Obispo

Pearl Watkins rumbled softly down the road to who knows where. Things had taken a very sudden turn (author) 2018-10-18 This is a continuation of The Last Things Dr. Darryl Loyd Ever Did, in Chronological Order. Please read that first. Veronica Fitzroy looked at herself in the mirror, and realized two things: One, (author) 2018-10-12 'Alright everyone, one last bit of business before we go.

Since Johansson is retiring, we're getting a new member.' MTF Commander Damian Creed scanned around the briefing table. By this point in the (author) 2016-03-13 A consciousness considered itself. It considered its existence, and felt the electronic signals, data, and information rushing through its existence. Looking down, a network of minds, active and (author) 2012-02-06 Network Correspondence #000004 From: Prof.

Bjornsen, 07832 To: Dr. Dier, 06302 Dier, SCP-229 has largely been contained, and everything above D-9 has been incinerated or disabled.

There's not a (author) 2018-09-25 Anoati's Great Adventure, Part 2 Battle For The Minds “So they really sacrificed a virgin every single year?” Sarah, with her back to the van wall, black hair whipping across her orange jumpsuit, (author) 2017-09-20 Colonel Cook's eyes had never been narrower as he read over the neatly-typed piece of paper that had landed on his desk that morning. Across said mahogany authority symbol, a thin young man in a (author) 2017-05-01 Warsaw 1944 Another airdrop had been intercepted by the enemy. The English had good intentions, but when those ended up being consistently dropped into German territory, one could not help but (author) 2014-02-13 When he was first partnered with Dr.

Mann, Lament was handed a remote. As he was partnered to the doctor, so it was partnered to a small explosive implanted in the doctor's chest without his (account deleted) 2018-10-08 The following was mistakenly recorded and automatically transcripted via a malfunctioning proximity unit located in the Site-23 break room. Its contents have been deemed unimportant and have been (author) 2017-12-17 I was nervous. Shaken and nervous, terribly so. The past few nights I had awoken to the sounds of helicopters, and I thought I imagined there to be voices reverberating through the space. The (author) (author) 2015-12-31 You hold in your hands the paper keys, the keys that can unlock Fantasy. When I first discovered this wondrous land, I could scarcely believe everything before me.

For mac book pro 13 a1181 carbon fiber full body. The spiraling and floating (author) 2014-07-03 'Good morning, up and about, rise and shine, blah blah blah!' Priscilla Locke got up at seven AM, sharp, Somalia time, thanks to the loud shouting that emanated from the walls, straight into her (author) 2011-10-04 'Come on, you two, it's time for bed.

You've stayed up late enough, and you have school in the morning. Oh no, no, your father has much better stories than I do. Oh alright, I guess (author) 2018-10-31 'What the hell is your deal?' Larry sat opposite Greg at the lunch table, using a metal tray as a metaphorical and physical barrier between them. 'How did you become likethis? You can't just end up (author) 2011-10-01 Foreword: The following document consists of the diary of ████ █. ███████, currently SCP-████-3.

Upon recovery, the entire cover of the diary had been covered in black permanent marker, with the (author) 2011-10-04 Ah, hello there. No, don't get up.

Put down the gun though, it won't do anything. I'm not real, how could you shoot me? See, isn't that much nicer?

Crack Closure Wiki Game Plant And Zombie Crack Full Agua De Obispo Jose

Face that window, (author) 2014-05-26 Dreams have long been a point of contention for psychologists, full of vehement and loud opinions on what they mean. Some think that it's the brain going over the events of the day, while others (author) 2014-03-31 Welcome to NEXUS-08. Welcome to Night Vale.

— Good evening, Night Vale: this is Lee Baker filling in for Cecil, and this is Night Vale at Night. It is currently nine o’clock PM, and the temperature (author) (author) 2018-08-11 Hello, my name is Alice, and I believe in giants. Susan says it’s an overactive imagination, so does Mr. Scott, but they knew the same things I did once. As they did with the giants, before (author) 2012-10-22 Outside, there is a slight chill in the air.

Somewhere, costumed children flicker from house to house, squealing with the anticipation of a potent, yearly sugar rush. Candles gutter in the wind from (author) 2014-04-05 The office was neat. It clearly belonged to someone who had too much time on their hands.

Every piece of paper on the desk was stacked neatly into three vertical piles, each the same height. There (author) 2015-02-21 This is a tale about before. Before the cave and the mountains, before the hills and the forests, before the oceans and the sky. This is a tale about where we came from, children, and about why we (author) 2015-01-07 Note: the following manuscript was found in storage vault #████ in ██████'s branch of ██████ United, a banking house belonging to the Foundation. The circumstances of how the document came to be (author) 2014-06-19 In the age after the great Yeren fell on the Day of Flowers, in the days before the Flood, there was a man who lived in the West of the world, in the region between two rivers, and his name was (author) 2014-07-05 The way it came out was miraculous.

Last month it was an empty lot, with MCF operatives handing out food and clean water and offering medical services. The operatives were still there, working out (author) 2011-10-11 The man in the chair struggled against his bonds, trying to shout something but failing due to the gag in his mouth. A guard stood in the corner of the room, his nose buried in a checklist.

'Let's (author) 2014-07-07 This is a sequel to Going Out Of Book. You should probably read that first. At first, all she saw was darkness.

Then a red glow crept in. She was lying on a cold, hard surface, staring up. There was (author) 2018-07-24 David Rosen despised going to the infirmary. It made his patience thin and his mind numb.

Whether it was losing an arm to a giant indestructible reptile, or getting scratched by Josie when a petting (author) 2017-03-18 Once upon a time Archibald the Apple was in the middle of yet another dreadful day in his Sadness Box. He stood perfectly still. He did not like to stay perfectly still, but he had no choice. (author) 2015-12-16 « The Journal of K. Sandoval Hub A Convincing Lyre » 'Hello, young lady. What brings you here?'

Emma narrowed her eyes slightly at the man before her. Had to be in his (author) 2014-07-08 Twitter. There are many words for the sounds of birds, Sylvain Ailier thinks to himself. But it’s hard to get the sounds of the words right.

Crack Closure Wiki Game Plant And Zombie Crack Full Agua De Obispo Ca

(author) 2014-06-24 Some people are fond of saying that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. It would be more accurate to say that history is doomed to repeat itself. Excerpt from The Coolest (author) 2011-03-19 Don't panic.

I do not panic. I do not worry. I do not fear.

Your flesh will become an icon of deliverance, and release your spirit from mortality. Your soul (author) 2014-06-21 In the nineteenth century, the march of progress made it possible for the first time for human science to contemplate and comprehend those phenomena which had long seemed to contravene the laws of (author) 2012-06-24 'Eat this,' a tired-looking man in business-casual said, setting down a plate in front of Andrew. He had been escorted to a small room furnished with only a table.

He looked down and blinked at the (author) 2018-10-15 Another year, another Halloween, another horror film festival. They had to cancel the one last year for obvious reasons— you can't exactly run a film festival when you have a scarecrow stuffed with (author) (author) (author) 2016-03-02 Millions of humans exist only in their dreams. They are known as the Oneiroi, and live in the subconscious of other waking individuals. They float freely from person to person, forming (author) 2011-02-14 Yesterday, I watched three men die because one man sneezed in a room full of blood and shit and light. Today, three more men go in, cheap mops and each other's lives in their hands. Yesterday, I (author) 2018-02-17 The sky was clear, birdsong filled the air, and the sweet scent of meadow blossoms wafted through the lanes of the village of Snuggle Acres.

Farmer Goodland stepped out of his cottage and beamed (author) 2018-08-14 'Shuren! The kids say they'll be here in a small hour!' I'm almost finished here!' Shuren went back to his harvesting, steady and firm as he had always been.

He thought of topics to discuss (author) 2017-03-18 Serra almost walked past him, she was so distracted. When she was on duty, she could ignore the worries of day to day life. She could section her thoughts away, focus only on the mission, whether (author) 2017-06-13 Note to Researcher Miller The increase in volume of excretions from SCP-173 have continued at the expected rate.

Enclosure cleaning schedule updated to weekly as instructed. Activity within (author) 2016-08-12 'Let's get this going. Time's a factor, eh.' I said to him.

He set his beer on the table and narrowed his eyes at me, but didn't say anything. 'Show me the ring?' I pressed on, (author) 2012-09-07 September 7 I had a dream last night, something that doesn't happen to me very often at all. I laugh and joke about how I seem to have no imagination at all, but it really is odd that I haven't had (author) 2017-09-13 The barbed knife ripped through the girl's throat. Her body slumped to the cold flagstones, her dark hair settling on the pool of blood before her.

Reflections writhed on the slick, crimson surface (author) 2011-10-30 “Dude, I am WONDEROUSLY high.” he giggled, holding the phone to his ear with no small amount of effort. He walked across the basement, turning up the music, letting the beat pulse in time with the (author) 2017-10-23 October 22nd Dr. Katherine Sinclair blinked awake through a haze of medication to see a nurse disconnecting her IV drips.

She muttered and sat up, rubbing her head. Am I free to go?'

'Just (author) 2012-05-06 Doctor Baker cleared his throat. 'Gentlemen, I feel that the SCP would respond well to what it might perceive as a fellow officer. I propose tha-' 'That we take one of my men, get him to play (author) 2018-02-13 Item #: SCP-993 Object Class: Safe Uncontained 'So,' said Rodge, driving a pick into the corpse’s back.

'What was your favourite episode?' 'Has to be seventy-eight,' replied Lindsay, eyes far-off (author) 2016-09-26 He lies in darkness, no sound but his own heartbeat in his ears.

The sickly warm air inside the bag suffocates him; the plastic sticks to his skin, making him sweat. How long has it been?

(account deleted) 2018-05-17 SCP-049 was sick. For the first time in its stay at the Foundation, there was something clearly wrong with it. Over the security cameras, it had been observed holding its stomach and moaning, (author) 2016-08-08 Childe of October, Childe of the Stalks I question your presence while the transgressor walks The treasure you offer is not yet complete The task is still open, make haste with your feet Our (author) 2017-06-19 Alexander had a way of owning a room from the moment he walked in. So, as the door soundlessly blew off its hinges, Jude just reached down, pulled a rapidly warming beer out from JJ's backpack, and (author) 2014-07-16 Jakeob Aldon stared at her bedroom ceiling, her limbs in odd places and cold sweat beginning to soak into her clothes.

She took a few deep breaths and arranged her limbs in a bit more of an orderly (author) 2015-03-30 SCP-1837 Containment Area, Site-77 Director Shirley Gillespie was doing her daily rounds, when she noticed something curious. In a clear, plastic tank, where there was usually an old-fashioned (author) 2016-09-25 I left the box on Karen's nightstand, pausing to listen a while to her soft breathing.

It's not a large box, but it's large enough that she'll notice when she wakes up. An e-reader, near new. It (author) 2015-01-09 In a time before. Before Glass Mother.

Before Lord Warden. Before Ancestors Themselves. There were Ghosts.

And the Ghosts were strong. And the Ghosts watched over the Deep Hull. And the Ghosts (author) 2010-02-16 The page does not (yet) exist.

The page scp-169 you want to access does not exist. create page “That’s funny,” you think. “I could have sworn” You click on the Recent posts link.

Maybe there’s (author) 2012-03-30 I don't know if this is really a creepy story, but it scared the shit out of me at the time. Four years ago, I was going through training for over-the-road trucking. We were out in Oregon, getting (author) 2013-02-13 Seriously you need to read The Place Where Two Rivers Meet first Salah opened the door, and thanked God almighty that he was finally home. He hung his jacket on the hook and slipped his shoes off. (author) 2018-03-29 “Dawn you’ll never be alone in this world.” Kit’s words flittered around her head, above a dull headache and a noise of rushing water.

Time flashed by - a vague memory of meeting in a graveyard, (author) 2014-07-07 The creature that no longer resembled a Hippo and Enrico Momio's soul watched silently as both Locke sisters went away. And took the thing away with them. 'The bloody hell was that,' Enrico said.

He (author) 2014-07-02 Frank felt just a bit claustrophobic. The darkroom was, appropriately enough, a tiny, dark, hot and incredibly moist hellhole with an actual hole in the middle, which was enough for anyone to be a (author) 2018-10-05 The two agents sat side by side on a bench in plainclothes, waiting for their contact to arrive. The smell after a rain permeated the Park Blocks.

'Do you miss it?' 'Three Ports?'

(author) 2013-08-07 Dec 20th There's nothing quite like spending the holiday season in a non-crucial Foundation site. Were I still working at 17 I doubt I'd even notice, but you can't really miss it here in 346. All (author) 2018-07-23 Previous: Dark Side Discography The 1982 Chrysler Fifth Avenue she nicked down in Bristol has a V8 engine with enough pep to plow a Sherman tank straight through Hell. Once it gets going, (author) 2015-07-21 Tom and Jill Herring had been in the middle of dinner when they were interrupted by a knock at the front door. Rolling his eyes in annoyance, Tom went to answer. He was greeted by a tattered Daniel (author) 2012-10-20 Good morning, folks.

Help yourself to coffee and bagels. For those of you who don't know me already, I'm Colonel Neil Hornby, Senior Supervisory Intelligence Officer for the Foundation. It's my (author) 2017-12-01 'You all got the unfinished or failed works I asked you to bring?'

Legler said, looking around the studio. 'Don’t tell me otherwise because I'm positive that each of us here has our own share of (author) 2012-11-20 I'm the hard-to-find stations on the AM band. John Carlyle ran his hands over his face and stared at his naked form in the bathroom mirror. No longer lean and muscled, it was beginning to sag. (author) 2016-03-07 Today's the day.

I will be drinking the blood of god and the Modifiers will bring me closer to MEKHANE. I don't know what will happen, but I'll make sure to tell you. After all, you know everything (author) 2012-05-10 I don't know why I'm recording this, it's not like there's anyone left well, anyone human to hear it. Maybe aliens will find it and have a good laugh Anyways, it's a little after dark and I've (author) 2016-03-07 Broker, Bailer, Grifter, Dealer. Soldier, Holder, Carrier, THIEF.

FoldUnfold Table of Contents Broker Bailer Grifter Soldier Holder Thief Broker The Agent sipped her coffee as the (author) 2013-08-19 There was a cataclysmic reshuffling of the deck. Something very far away had been broken, first on that most basal of structural scales — the atomic nucleus — and then on a much more macroscopic and (author) 2012-05-23 It was ironic, in a way.

In a CK-event or NK-event extinction scenario, all SCPs that could be terminated were to be terminated, so that whatever shreds remained of humanity could have at least a (author) 2014-01-31 NOTE: This is Part 21 of the 23 part series, The Cool War. Reading this part first is a very bad idea and will spoil a lot of the story. From: Pico 16 hartford street come beat the shit out of (author) 2018-01-04 'No, no, I meant my left, you imbecile, now the head is on backwards.

I knew you'd be no help.' For the cultists of the Church of the Broken God, a long wait was over. After hundreds of years of (author) 2016-09-22 It was a gloomy day at Site-19. “They just cut our funding again,” Dr. Bergstrom said, speaking around a mouthful of Salisbury steak.

“I’m down to two assistants.” “I hear you, man,” Agent Rourke (author) 2018-06-12 Bug Report: VM727BNYUSE Relevant Code #genchat Bug Report: Vending Machine is deleting concept of value of individual dollars Issue: A vending machine on Earth is removing concept of value (author) 2014-06-06 'Behold, dummy,' Won Won remarked clearly, poking at the paper with a crude little tube of ink, and scrawling a quick sketch of the building as it had appeared when they first entered it. Won Won (author) 2018-09-22 « The Abyss Gazes Back Buggy Hardware 'Am I imagining this too?' The darkness consumed both Adamo Smalls and Heather Mason in one fell swoop.

It commanded its presence for a fraction of a (author) 2013-03-14 Given a continuous vector field on the surface of a sphere, there must be at least one point on the field where the vector is equal to zero. Put another way, if you have a sphere which is covered (author) 2014-04-24 Then there's the matter of the entomology department, over-budget for the fifth straight year. Not the most flattering statistic, considering that the most expensive incident in the department's (author) 2014-07-21 Researcher Conwell looked around his office. The few meager possessions he had used to decorate were now placed in a box on the desk. Conwell let out a deflating sigh. He wanted to say it had been a (author) 2017-07-27 Robert Bumaro, Builder of the Broken God, sat at one end of the table. His dead, metallic gaze honestly reflecting how dead he felt inside.

He was indeed dead inside too, as he dumped his organic (author) 2014-07-07 Dodger snorted obnoxiously at the picture of the hairy man-beast, 'It's cute.' They'd been calling it a spider-bear. Apparently its hands and head were more arachnid-like than mammalian, even though (author) 2018-02-18 Dr. Morrissey It was Halloween night. No one wanted to be here, but it was almost mandatory.

Morrissey unscrewed the top of his stainless flask, only to find the entire container empty. He (author) 2010-03-27 The weather that afternoon was unabashedly foul. The sky was heavy with clouds, the dark grey wetness oozing into everything until nothing was dry. Patches of skeletal, leafless trees stood guard (author) 2011-05-13 On weekends, people ask me how my week was. This week was simply business as usual. On Monday I oversaw an operation to examine a strange creature in a young girl's abdomen. It was remarkable.

It (author) 2016-08-19 Site 22 He always hated the buzz of the lights. Something about that off-tone, buzzing noise just didn't sit right. It shouldn't be that way: a low, droning buzz, while reading through file after (author) 2017-02-01 In the underbelly of a numberless Site beneath Navi Mumbai, Pavlo Kharkiv sat alone in a dark room with a glass of vodka. One by one, four computer terminals around him flickered to life. They (author) 2015-03-09 People die.

Two in three. Two in three. Two in three. Two in three.

Look to your left. Look to your right. (author) 2013-01-25 Deep in the catacombs beneath Overwatch Cathedral, there was a cavernous and isolated chamber at the end of a long hallway.

The historians of the Holy Foundation could only guess at what purpose it.

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