Revlon Berry Haute Dupe For Mac

Personally, I'm a bit of a purple lipstick enthusiast. If you ask me, one can never have enough purple lipsticks—I actually have more purple lipsticks than red ones in my collection. Until recently, purple has been a relatively difficult-to-find color. MAC Cosmetics created several iconic shades of the color when other major brands were playing it safe with classic hues. In the makeup industry, the MAC name is generally considered synonymous with quality and, with 190 shades in their regular lipstick line, with variety as well.

Their purples are gorgeous, but the quality comes with a price—at $17, a tube of MAC lipstick can be pricey. If You Can't Beat Them, Copy Them! So what about those of us who cannot afford to splurge on makeup? Luckily, as of late, purple lipstick has become the rage. Its popularity is encouraging even the more cosmetically conservative woman to be a little more brave in her lipstick color choices.

This means that other, less expensive, brands have been emulating MAC's more avant-garde lipstick colors. Which puts us, as consumers, in an advantageous position—rather than paying for a MAC lipstick, we have a variety of knock-offs from which to choose.

Will the knock-off lipsticks be as creamy or long-lasting? In most cases, no. But a lot of these dupes have formulas that aren't half-bad, and when it comes to appearances, they are remarkably similar to their MAC counterparts. As you read this article, you may notice a lack of side-by-side swatch photos comparing a MAC lipstick with its dupes. That is because I don't own the MAC originals (I can't afford them). I have, however, done extensive research, watching more than 20 hours of video (the most pertinent videos that I found have been included here) as well as combing through blog posts, Google pictures, Pinterest, and Instagram posts. There is a lot of information out there, but it's scattered wide.

Makeup Dupes For Mac

Revlon Berry Haute Dupe For Mac

My goal is to bring it all together for easy access and organize it into a definitive guide, at least as it relates to MAC lipsticks in the purple spectrum. What if the dupe is no longer produced? For instance, Maybelline's 'Midnight Plum' was part of a 2013 collection. 'How am I supposed to find it now?' Well, just because the lipstick is no longer available in your local drugstore doesn't mean it can't be found. Products such as these are typically still available from multiple sellers on Amazon and eBay.

Additionally, there are makeup clearance sites such as and that specialize in selling close-out makeup at reduced prices. Just run a quick Google search for the discontinued item you want—you'll probably find it selling for less than its original price! Dupes Aren't an Exact Science. A 'dupe,' or duplicate, is a close approximation of the original. It may vary slightly in color, as well as in texture, formula, and/or wear time. The lighting your lipstick is worn in can also change color perception, and many of MAC's lipstick shades (such as 'Smoked Purple,' 'Cyber,' and 'Instigator' or 'Fashion Revival,' Julia Petit's Limited Edition 'Acai,' and 'Rebel') are similar to one another. Another thing to remember here is that lipstick can be built up to increase its intensity.

A lipstick that may not look like a dupe after the first swipe over the lips might just be a perfect match after the third pass. Will Buying the Dupe Really Save You Money? If you were actually going to buy the MAC lipstick, then buying the cheaper alternative will definitely save you money. However, be careful. It can be tempting to go on a spending spree because these MAC alternatives are so cheap, but if you decide to buy dupes of MAC lipsticks that you wouldn't have actually purchased for full price, you're not really saving. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Show Details Necessary HubPages Device ID This is used to identify particular browsers or devices when the access the service, and is used for security reasons.

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I am soo excited. This is the ultimate MAC lipstick dupes list and you can refer to this table whenever you want to find a dupe. MAC is the ultimate brand when it comes to lipsticks but not all of us have access to MAC stores or want to spend that much. You can read about some of my MAC reviews.

Some of the MAC lipsticks are very popular but some regions do not have accessibility to this brand and some others do not want to spend a lot of money on a lipstick so these dupes will help you find a nice dupe for your favourite MAC shade easily within your budget. We have also written detailed dupe posts for specific MAC products which are very popular. You can refer, and here to get to know more about the specific dupes of these bestseller products. I have decided to list down all MAC lipstick dupes known to me and i will be updating this list whenever i find new dupes. Also all dupes would be shades of Indian brands. These will not be from brands which you have to get shipped from abroad at a much higher price.

Most of these would be permanent shades from MAC.  The case for mac. MAC lipstick dupe list shall be updated regularly and i will also pin it on the header for easy access to all of you. All MAC Shades and their dupes are listed below.

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