Adding Portaudio Support To Hfm (haskell For Mac

Cons:. Restrictions on installable packages. See for details. Only one GHC version. No hindent, hlint, stylish-haskell editor integration.

Autocompletion, shortcuts etc. Probably won't get you typing as fast as you might be able to in emacs or vim. Pros: Only one, really. Really quick to run code in a project. In the normal write-compile-repl loop (which I use with spacemacs) if the code that I'm sticking into ghci is anything longer than a few lines, I'm stuck. Say I'm writing a parser for arithmetic expressions, and I want t play around with it.

In ghci, I might write something like this: let x = Var 'x' let y = Var 'y' let exprString = 'x + y. 4' parseWithVars x,y exprString But then, if I discover a problem in the parsing function, and I rewrite it, I have to recompile the code and write those four lines again. Or maybe I forgot to set -XOverloadedStrings.

So I've got to do that in ghci as well. Or maybe I want to see the outputs of two separate expressions: let x = Var 'x' let y = Var 'y' let exprString = 'x + y. 4' parseWithVars x,y exprString parseWithVars y,x exprString HFM makes this so much easier. I just write those five lines on the right-hand-side, and they are re-run, with output, every time I change something in the project. It might seem like a small thing, but for me it made the difference between frustration and progress when learning Haskell. The editor does a bunch of other cool things, like spritekit integration, but I haven't really used them.

I still use spacemacs+intero for big projects, but any time I need to figure some code out, I'm always going to reach for the playgrounds. I would probably prefer to be able to stay in spacemacs the whole time, but until it gets something like playgrounds (maybe a clone of live-py-mode?) it won't be as useful for learning as HFM is.

Funny that this would pop up, I just found it and bought it last week! I've been playing with Haskell recently and this app is perfect for playing with example code that you'll read in articles and books while learning. Another awesome resource is Hoogle It's super handy if you already have programming experience and are looking for a function that does a particular thing but you don't know what it's called.

You can just put the type signature of what you want in the search box and it gives you back functions that'll do it! I use IntelliJ IDEA with the intellij-haskell plugin, which works to some extent, but is fairly slow - not the least at startup, which can easily take five minutes. I'm afraid I won't be trying out this IDE, however, unless they offer a trial period (which I can't spot anywhere on the page).

$30 isn't too much for a good IDE, but I'd like to try it out before paying in full, particularly since it seems to reinvent the IDE from the ground up, which makes me suspect a lot of the extra functionality, that more mature IDEs have, is missing. Sounds more like a religious belief than something which could be argued on merit. I use both Linux and macOS on a daily basis and there is just no question about which OS has the highest quality software eco system. I like Unix, which is why I use Linux and macOS. Linux because macOS is not an option and work, and I dislike non Unix systems like Windows. I like to have access to a powerful CLI. But lets face it.

Adding portaudio support to hfm (haskell for machine learning

Adding Portaudio Support To Hfm (haskell For Mac Free

Once you step outside the CLI on Linux, it compares very poorly to macOS. Not only do you have far more choices for every type of app but most of those choices tend to be higher quality as well. Now let me qualify what I mean by quality. Many Linux apps does in fact have a significant amount of functionality. You got quite extensive packages such as Gimp and Inkwell.

However these frequently have poorly designed UIs or UIs which are completely different from other applications, and frequently integrate poorly with the rest of the OS. You mentioned Sublime. Well guess what that came directly as a reaction to TextMate on macOS.

There are dozens of these types of modern incarnations of vim and emacs on Mac. Fortunately now we have started getting some selection on Linux with sublime and atom.

But it was kind of slow, and while both have quite good core functionality, they are a bit lacking in UI. You notice how a lot of successful apps on Linux have to rely on HTML based interfaces.

Which means you kind of notice the UI is kind of slim. Last time I checked neither Sublime and Atom had any real UI for creating and modifying bundles/plugins. I know this is a haskell thread but after trying to grok haskell for years (yes i understand monads) i've discovered F# and jesus christ what a dramatic difference in functional language ergonomics and tooling and ecosystem. It has everything that haskell does (ADTs, type inference, immutability when you want it, lazy or eager eval, pattern matching/destructuring, expression based, and partial application/curried functions) but it doesn't handcuff you to pure (side-effect free) code. Say what you want but often writing code in haskell is monad acrobatics because you can't write a simple for loop or do i/o. The tooling is fantastic and cross platform (visual studio/xamarin) with a real debugger, real breakpoints, lightyears better docs, readable compiler errors, enormous ecosystem by way of interop with c# libraries.

It's an eminently practical functional language. The `F# for fun and profit` series of blogposts is fantastic for not only introducing the language but explaining the value proposition of functional patterns.

Of course i wish ocaml had the same advantages (and it does have many) since it compiles to native binary but i'll accept the CLI in exchange for all the tooling benefits. On Hacker News I've noticed people read titles, then go to the comments section to dump whatever thought is on their minds, triggered by certain keywords like some game I used to play as a child, as an excuse to get something off their chest. It's very rude to pimp on other people's projects and articles to get something off your chest though. This article is not primarily about Haskell, but about a commercial IDE made by a guy named Manuel M T Chakravarty — which for me it's interesting, because it's an example of somebody that apparently makes something that he likes, helping an ecosystem and people give him money for it.

So it's perfectly on topic for Hacker News and visitors of the comments section like myself, would like to see opinions related to this project. As for the comment, F# is a fine language, but reading the comparison I'm fairly certain that you haven't learned Haskell and I say this in order to help you — learning Haskell is the easiest path to practicing FP, which given your comment I'm fairly certain you don't grok yet, which keeps you back from being a good F# developer as well. That you haven't learned Haskell is more of a failure of Haskell's community — but there have been recent projects trying to address that.

One is the Haskell for Mac project here in TFA, others are the Stack build tool and, a really good book meant for beginners. It's very rude to pimp on other people's projects and articles to get something off your chest though. This isn't a refereed journal - you can't prescribe how people engage with the material.

I was prompted to post what i did on the back of having experimented with every ide-ish thing for haskell out there about 6 months ago (this one included). As for the comment, F# is a fine language, but reading the comparison I'm fairly certain that you haven't learned Haskell and I say this in order to help you not only is this patronizing but it commits the fallacy of begging the question - i did learn haskell while working on a fairly sizable codebase at my last job. I won't reiterate all of my complaints here (i've posted several times to r/haskell) but the tooling sucks and pure code is a set of handcuffs - golden handcuffs maybe but handcuffs nonetheless. That we disagree on whether pure code is the one true god does not mean i don't understand fp - it means just that, that i disagree!

To conclude from my disagreement with you that i don't understand fp begs the question (petitio principii) of whether pure code is the one true god. That you haven't learned Haskell is more of a failure of Haskell's community — but there have been recent projects trying to address that. One is the Haskell for Mac project here in TFA, others are the Stack build tool and, a really good book meant for beginners.

I read the haskell book and learnyouahaskell and real world haskell and many many tutorials and wrestled with stack and cabal. Certainly they're better than the tools/resources available for e.g. Cobol but they do not compare to the ecosystem around other, much more welcoming languages. I think part of the issue that the parent comment was trying to get at here, is that haskell does things the way it does for a reason, and that the type system is much more of an aid to thinking about the problem you're solving than some restrictive handcuff, once you understand what it's doing and why it's doing it.


I say this as someone who worked in F# for years, and eventually switched to haskell because it had better support for these concepts via it's built-in typeclasses. As for what you say about haskell being 'monad acrobatics', it can be equally true of F#, or any other typed functional language, because all monads/applicatives/functors/etc are, are just helpful functional design patterns. It would be like calling Factories in Java handcuffs. If you don't want to code using Factories or Monads in Java/Haskell, that's still your choice, but if a lot of libraries in that language are using that pattern, it's probably for a reason that makes it useful in that language's paradigm. Haskell just makes it easier to use these patterns than F#/OCaml/Elm/etc because of its typeclasses, so a lot more people use them.

That's all there is to it. I'll grant you that F#'s tooling is a little bit better in places though, but I was never a huge fan of it's project/module system. OCaml probably has both F# and Haskell beat there. That being said, F# is still a fine language, and I think it's probably a better stepping stone towards learning haskell (and typed functional programming in general) than haskell itself, just because it gives you the option of gradually easing your way into the ML style of programming if you've already had some imperative programming experience before. And that's key, because the issue here is one of shifting the way you think about your programming problems, and there's simply no quick/easy way to do that.

In fact, I find that a lot a complete newcomers to programming have an easier time learning how to do things the haskell way, because they don't really have these issues of feeling restricted by the type system, since it's the only way they've been taught to do things. So overall I would say just keep at it with F#, and check out the F# way of doing things like monads (or 'computation expressions' 0 as they're called in F#), monoids 1, 'Railway Oriented Programming' 2, and other such patterns 3, then maybe try checking out Haskell again later and see if it seems a little easier.

Adding Portaudio Support To Hfm (haskell For Mac Pro

But there's really no reason to be bashing it regardless. 0 1 2 3. See that is why I eventually decided against Haskell. There are just too few Haskell jobs so investing that amount of time from a career perspective makes little sense. That leaves hobby projects.

And it just does not seem to make sense to me to spend that much time on a hobby, when you got plenty of other powerful languages you can learn in a fraction of the time and do more useful stuff with. As an academic project language it seems great, but for practical work I just don't see it. I can do a fair amount of functional programming in Swift and Julia, but still make useful stuff without without an huge mental investment. My life as a professional C programmer has made me very negative to anything involving unreasonable complexity.