Fun Csgo Commands. Scroll Wheel Mouse For Mac

I have 3 problems that I’ve encountered here, 2 are new since the latest update (5A580), and the other has been bothering me off and on for a year and I finally decided to mention it. Since the latest update to the MAC BETA, in the middle of working ill go to scroll my mouse to zoom into a section of my project and all the sudden it moves my page up and down, and i would have to hold CMD i think to get it scroll with the wheelI thought i was hitting some hot key causing this to happen, until it began to happen to all the other students in my class with Macs and they all complained about it. Adepino: My logitech mouse wheel has the ability to be toggled so that you can feel the physical clicks of the wheel or make it smooth, and I’ve tried both, the wheel clicks are tremendously worse because each single click is like making 3 or 4 full rotations of the wheel Have the same problem erratically. My conclusion is that the Logitech drivers are simply buggy. If it’s any consolation to you, they are also on Windows.

Sometimes I get the same zoom thing happening in windows Rhino (goes nuts, way too fast), sometimes the middle mouse button just stops working. The cure in Windows is to bring up the Logitech driver app, let it load and then click Cancel.

Oddly enough, that fixes both mouse problems. On the Mac side, to slow down the zoom, you can go into PreferencesView and set the zoom scale factor closer to 1 - the default is 0.9, mine is set to 0.97 (1 will stop zooming altogether, larger than 1 will invert the mouse zoom direction) Or get a new, non-Logitech mouse I love my M705’s but Logitech drivers have just gone to s- in the last few years, especially under Win 7 and 8 –Mitch. Thats funny mitch, i use a 705 as well on my mac. I love the mouse and i have no issues with it other than as you say, each click of the scroll wheel is just 10 times too far, just too sensitive. It does anything outside of rhino at normal speed.

On the windows side i have a 560 and that is always fine. Normal zoom speed no problem and always consistent. My space navigator however is another story.

That does exactly what you guys are saying where it doesnt pick up the speed settings and axis directions you have set in the driver so you touch the thing and your all over the place. I have to hit the calibrate button or make a change in the driver then save. All goes back to normal then. I dont have this problem when its hooked to my mac.


I have to do this just about every time i use it. Adepino: This problem has been happening for as long as I’ve used rhino, but its probably more of an occasional annoyance, and seems to be happening more and more frequently. When i zoom WAAYYY in on something, sometimes it seems to go from zooming at normal speed, to zooming at 1/10 speed, and then, no more zoom, it just stops, and i won’t even be close to what I’m trying to work on. Other times it will zoom in and out no matter how far, with no problems. Nothing really seems to fix it other than the passing of time.

Ill zoom WAAAYYY out and then back in a few times, and then i pan the screen in circles hoping it will reset it but it usually doesn’t help. Rebooting doesn’t usually help either. Rhino has a camera target whose position (generally) doesn’t change when you’re navigating when you’re zooming in like crazy but going nowhere, the camera has bumped into the target to see this better, use the Camera command then ‘show camera’ the camera will appear in the top viewport and you can see what’s happening with it as you navigate in the perspective viewport. Possibly the simplest way to deal with it is with the default macro ‘ZS’ (zoom selected) select an object you’re trying to zoom to, type ZS the camera target will now move to that object and you’ll spin around it, be able to zoom to it, etc.

Re: Logitech. I’ve always used logitech mice on macs right now, i have the MX series (mx anywhere and mx performance) i’ve never used nor installed the logitech drivers OS X drives them just fine plug&play (though you will need to use apps such as rhino which have configurable mouse options in order to make use of some of the available buttons). Helvetosaur: Without drivers? Can you program the thumb button (mine also has 3, but I only use the lower one) as middle mouse click? I use that to popup a toolbar in Windows —Mitch yep, without drivers and no, i can’t remap a thumb button to think it’s a middle mouse click i could put this macro on a thumb button for the popup menu though: ShowToolPalette ToolPalette=Popup UnderCursor=YES Enter personally, i use these commands/macros on my thumb buttons: ToggleOsnapPanelUnderCursor 'Zoom Target 'Zoom Selected but if i wanted to remap the mouse or do things like ‘right mouse button = left mouse + cmmd + shift’, i’d have to use the logitech driver. Wanted to bump this.

Fun Csgo Commands. Scroll Wheel Mouse For Mac Download

Fun Csgo Commands. Scroll Wheel Mouse For Mac

Been keeping an eye on my problem listed at the top. There doesn’t really seem to be a definite pattern to cause the mouse scroll zoom to suddenly switch to a vertical pan, but its doing it more and more frequently. Its getting quite irritating. In the last 2 or three hours of working, I’ve had to re launch rhino an average of 3 or more times per hour to get it back to normal.

Fun Csgo Commands. Scroll Wheel Mouse For Mac Pro

It almost always happens immediately after panning around my project in fullscreen perspective viewport. When i go from panning to immediately zooming in with the mouse scroll wheel, it randomly changes the scroll wheel to a vertical pan and stays that way until i relaunch rhino. If anyone knows something that i could be pressing let me know, but as of now, I’m convinced its a bug because this never happened to me before the latest update.

On the mouse issue (zooming), if you’re on a Mac and using a Logitech mouse, you should immediately get rid of the logitech driver and purchase the $20(?) Steermouse app. It allows complete customization of speeds for cursors, scrolling, etc., and recognizes all the buttons on non-mac mice of any variety, but particularly Logitech, and makes it much easier to control on an individual app basis. (Assign buttons per app, that is).

Fun Csgo Commands. Scroll Wheel Mouse For Mac Mac

On the zoom issue: I’ve had the same problem but usually I ‘fix’ it by doing a zoom extents all “ZEA” on the keyboard. This seems to reset the mouse’s behavior for zoom-levels. Powered by, best viewed with JavaScript enabled.